Body Image

velizar-ivanov-xZjiUR7SWIQ-unsplashI do not know if I am getting fat
Or getting thin;
I just know I do not like the shape
I am now in.

I have not worked out
In over a year;
Having given up something
I once held so dear.

I eat when I bored,
And I am bored a lot.
I used to be more active,
Now I just stare at a laptop.

My muscles ache,
For lack of use.
When previously they were taut,
Now they are loose.

I had worked hard,
And had been in shape.
Now I drag and slug,
My flab in drapes.

Is it real,
Or in my mind?
This concept of a body
To which I should be kind.

So much is put forward,
About how we ought to look.
It is hard to determine
What is right from what is crook.

I should lay the scale to rest,
Cover the mirror up,
Eat in moderation,
And exercise a lot.

Easier said than done, though
As the case may be.
Life gets in the way,
Of how I want to be me.

Photo by Velizar Ivanov on Unsplash